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Sculpts & props

Chest and key D.VA

This chest was created for the final test of my school.
The goal was to take a character of the game Overwatch and be inspired to model a chest within 4 days with an animation. Mine represented the D.VA character, she is transform in key and chest is her meca.
I have take pleasure to realised this one and modeling in hard surface and improve my lighting skills.


Sculpt mermaid

It is interesting to try other projects than the video game character. Here I wanted to work on pose and rendering as well as creativity. So this is the statue of a mermaid bust with a headdress representing the marine flora.


Animal study : Cheetah sculpt

I particularly like human anatomy, but I also wanted to do an exercise with an animal. It was very interesting to work on this project and see how the anatomy farts vary from a character to an animal.

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