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Game for the Global Game Jam 2021


The GGJ of 2021 was to 27 at 31 January, my team, 2 artists and 2 programmers, have developed our game duraing 2 days. The teme "Lost and found" was very interesting and we have had a lot of ideas.

But we have chose a little horror game with subject related to EMI.


Among the many story ideas that everyone has proposed, I have given the idea of this story based on my favorite horror movie "Insidious" for the part of the [ Distant ] with his mistery and the character lost with the blue light to find is way.


- Graphics-

Our inspiration was based on the video game "Don't Starve" of Klei entertainement Studio and the artist John Kenn Mortensen with his monstrous illustrations.


- The story -

A person wakes up in a dark place, a lamp in his hand, he is lost and must find his way. He will meet beings who are no longer alive and who will have to show him the way. During his journey, he gradually discovers why he finds himself in this situation.

(Spoil: he is in coma, lost in parallel world, and he need to find how to come back at the light to wake up).


- Gameplay -

After to wake up in a strange world, you have need to find battery to recharge the flashlight and also different objects to discover why you are here. You will be guided by a benevolent spirit who will show you the way while evil spirits will try to harm you.



- My role on the game -

I have produced the tilable floor, assets environement, animations of grasses, the little HUD with the battery gauge and the title.



- Members of my team -


Artists : Anaëlle Bibot and Keltoum Mars


Developpers : Xaam-Meej Yaj and Jérémy Guéry

My piece of work for my participation of graphics


Video of our presentation on the Twitch of Cnam-Enjmin


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